NIVEAU 1 (Beginner’s Level)

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Le Programme de NIVEAU 1 vous permet de vous exprimer facilement en anglais, en utilisant les expressions de base dans les situations courantes comme:
✓ Faire des rencontres et connaissance avec d’autres anglophones à travers le monde (Nationalities, Origins, Meeting Expressions...)
✓ Communiquer aisément dans le cadre d’échanges d’informations simples et directs (Home Address, Marital status, Time, Date, Price...)
✓ Décrire les choses et les personnes qui vous entourent; et parler de vos préférences. (Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs...)
✓ Comprendre et utiliser les expressions anglaises relatives aux voyage et achats. (Traveling and Sales Expressions)
✓ parler des événements en utilisant correctement les temps passé, présent et futur. (Time and Tenses)

NIVEAU 2 (Intermediate Level)

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Learners who achieve INTERMEDIATE LEVEL can understand information about familiar topics. They can communicate in most situations whilst travelling in an English-speaking area. They can write simple connected texts on familiar topics.

NIVEAU 3 (Upper Intermediate Level)

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Learners who achieve UPPER INTERMEDIATE LEVEL can understand the main ideas of complex texts. They can interact with some fluency and communicate easily. They can write clear, detailed texts on a wide range of topics and express their opinions.

NIVEAU 4 (Advanced Level)

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Learners who achieve ADVANCED LEVEL can understand a wide range of long, complex texts. They can interact and express themselves fluently and spontaneously and use language flexibly and effectively in social, academic and professional situations.

NIVEAU 5 (Proficiency Level)

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Learners who achieve PROFICIENCY LEVEL can easily understand almost everything they hear or read. They can express themselves fluently and spontaneously with precision in complex situations.


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English for specific purposes (ESP) is a subset of English as a second or foreign language. It focuses on one occupation or Field, such as Business English, Technical English, Scientific English, Medical English, Religious English, English for tourism, English for waiters...